================================================================================ LIMIT THEORY PROTOTYPE v1.1 Change List ================================================================================ MAJOR - New option to decouple the camera viewing angle from the ship's rotation, allowing for greater combat proficiency (especially with big ships!); bound to Z key by default - Vertical sync is now available in the launch options, and is turned on by default; should fix GPU heat issues - Docking AI has been significantly improved - no more suicidal dockers - Ally and enemy target colors are now configurable for colorblind friendliness - UI smooth resizing has been disabled, leading to a faster and more responsive UI MINOR - Fixed rate-of-fire inaccuracy for high-ROF weapons - Fixed beam weapon "wiggle" - Improved accuracy to picking in command interface - Cruise mode automatically engages thrusters (no need to hold forward thrust) - Docking disables cruise mode, re-enabling other subsystems - Docking automatically causes weapons to reload - Acceleration lanes are more pilot-friendly (although still dangerous to large ships). In addition, left-right layout should allow easier understanding of directionality. Left is incoming, right is outgoing, like American traffic laws. - Destroyers and frigates have been switched (destroyers are the big ones now) - More keys can be recognized and bound in configuration - Beam weapons can no longer hit the source ship - Resolved bug in UI that prevented scrolling to the bottom of some menus - No longer possible to aim at own ship - Text fields properly capture keyboard on hover - "Load" button is now appropriately called "Load/Save" when in-game - "Cargo / Storage" have been renamed to "Ship / Station" to clarify - Improved debugging support, making crash reports more useful for me